For how to properly care:
1. Printers modifications do not take your side or upside down.
2. The position of the bottle should be level with the printer.
3. When printing process begins, a small lid must be opened.
4. If the printer you want to move the place, all caps on the bottles to be attached tightly.
5. When the bottle will be filled in all caps should be opened, charging the ink can be performed on a large hole in the bottle.
6. If the print is not satisfactory to do head cleaning process.
7. If the ink on the bottle is ¼ do immediately charging the ink.
8. Remove ink waste if it is ½ or ¾ of the bottle.
9. Do not get ink on the bottle completely - completely exhausted.
10. Not attempted to change the brand of ink.
How to clean the head on the EPSON
When the cartridge is removed there is a large needle is black, it's the channel toward the head. well to clear head, take place in the cleaning fluid in the syringe, then tip syringe hose ditancepin jg given to the black color of the needle. then little suction needle, and press gently. will be smooth. but remember, head underneath the love reply folded tissue or cloth, so that cleaner out of the printer head is not wet.
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